Remèdes ancestraux

Traditions and remedies from the Middle Ages

Les traditions et les remèdes du Moyen-Âge

The world is changing very quickly. The advent of the digital age requires us to constantly adapt and this perpetual race sometimes gives us the impression of losing ground. A need to reconnect with nature and simple things is felt. To do this, we turn to the values, traditions and methods of yesteryear which have proven their effectiveness. But what are they?

Timeless traditional methods

As the trends of recent years have proven, “traditional” does not necessarily mean “has-been”. Whether with the aim of an ecological approach, waste reduction or well-being, more and more of us are opting for simple solutions in order to consume responsibly and to know the products we use or that we let's eat. Having your own vegetable garden, making your own laundry detergent mix or even making your own bread: so many examples that are increasingly part of our daily lives.

And if we return to natural products, we have always continued to use what we call Grandma's remedies or recipes which are passed down from generation to generation! Who has never heard of the famous grog: a mixture of rum, lemon and honey to take in case of a cold or sore throat? Who doesn't know the trick of using vinegar to relieve nettle stings or to combat an infestation of lice? Another essential ingredient is bicarbonate which is also making a comeback for household use or as a deodorant.

The traditions and remedies of the past have proven themselves and are therefore still very present today. This is why we continue to draw inspiration from it on a daily basis despite the passage of time.

And at Biofloral?

For Biofloral, the symbiosis between man and nature is essential. If the ancients lived it on a daily basis, we have moved away from it over time. In order to find its imprint, and to soak it up again, Biofloral was inspired by various manuscripts of doctors from the Middle Ages to the present day, notably Hildegard of Bingen, Paracelsus and the famous Doctor Edward Bach and their discoveries.

Not only was Biofloral inspired by these ancestral remedies, but respect for the identical recipes was preserved as well as traditional manufacturing methods.

The Great Elixirs

Let's take the example of the great Biofloral elixirs which are inspired by ancestral methods from the Middle Ages and in particular the traditional remedies of Hildegard of Bingen. A visionary nun from the 12th century, she is considered the first modern phytotherapist: she prepared the plants in wine with long maceration in order to extract all the active ingredients then she added spices, aromatics and honey to stabilize it. His recipes are still transmitted today in numerous works.

She had the same aspirations as Doctor Bach several centuries before him:

“When the body and soul function in perfect harmony, they receive the supreme reward of joy and health.”

Respect for ancestral and traditional methods

Let's take the example of the great Biofloral elixirs which are inspired by ancestral methods from the Middle Ages and in particular the traditional remedies of Hildegard of Bingen. A visionary nun from the 12th century, she is considered the first modern phytotherapist: she prepared the plants in wine with long maceration in order to extract all the active ingredients then she added spices, aromatics and honey to stabilize it. His recipes are still transmitted today in numerous works.

Today, Biofloral respects these recipes by using sulphite-free organic wine, organic plants, honey and even spagyric essences for in-depth action on the body. Maceration in barrels is carried out in the heart of Auvergne on land charged with energy. Long and gentle in order to respect the plants, this maceration is followed by the use of a traditional wooden press which allows all the active ingredients to be extracted without altering them.

Since its creation, Biofloral has respected the original methods of recognized doctors of their time in order to bring out all the benefits of nature as in the past and to offer 100% ORGANIC products so that everyone finds well-being and harmony on a daily basis. Finally, this respect for ancient recipes is combined with new analysis methods to guarantee you natural and authentic quality remedies that take care of your body in depth.


“The health remedies of Hildegard of Bingen”, Paul Ferris 2013

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